Leigh M. Baldwin
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creative support

creativity coaching

Creativity coaching is a series of powerful conversations addressing the emotional, practical, and existential challenges of the artist’s life. My role is to support your growth by asking illuminating questions, actively listening and reflecting back what I hear, suggesting unseen connections, holding space for uncertainty, and offering focus and encouragement. The answers you are seeking are already within you, within your unconscious mind, and so as you feel comfortable, we will work with dreams, synchronicities, active imagination, narrative, and other techniques to access deeper intuition.


book coaching

Writing a book is a long commitment that benefits from regular support and accountability. My role is to support your growth by asking illuminating questions, actively listening and reflecting back what I hear, suggesting unseen connections, holding space for uncertainty, and offering focus and encouragement. We will work together on overcoming resistance, accessing your creative mind, and understanding your own artist archetype. Coaching is not a form of critique – you don’t even have to share your writing with me – my goal is to support you in doing the work and owning your creativity.


the conversation

It doesn’t have to be complicated. If you’re stuck, let’s grab a coffee and chat about it. Use this single session however you want - for a tarot reading or dream interpretation, to brainstorm or talk through a new idea, to get re-energized about a flagging project, to move through an obstacle or find a new path forward. this is a great jumping off point for the next big thing.