Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What’s the process like?

A: For hour-long presentations, super simple: contact me with your choice of presentation topics and dates. Once we're scheduled, I'll send a contract with AV needs and an invoice. Payment is due on the day of the presentation.

For workshops, contact me with your choice of topics and dates. A 50% deposit is required to schedule the workshop. I like to get to know my groups a bit if I can, so with your permission, I’ll send you a short (five question) survey to distribute. The survey is optional and anonymous – I don’t collect names or emails. It will help me ensure the workshop works for your group. About a week before the workshop, I’ll confirm the date, time, and AV set-up, and send an agenda for the workshop. Final payment is due the day of the workshop. About a week later, I’ll send a review as well as additional recommendations and resources.

Q: What if I have more than 30 staff that need training?

A: It’s important, especially in the longer sessions, that participants remain engaged. That’s difficult to do in large groups. We can discuss who might be most likely to gain from communication instruction, and focus there, or you can schedule multiple sessions to serve more employees.

Q: I have a small group that has a specific problem that’s not covered in your popular topics. Do you offer customized consulting?

A: I do. Contact me and explain what you’re looking for. Usually, I can create something special for your team. If not, I might be able to recommend someone.

Q: Do you offer individual writing help?

A: Yes! I take a limited number of one-on-one coaching projects per year. Coaching will make a major difference if you’re unsure about your communication style, or are angling for a promotion or an industry change. After a free consultation, I’ll develop a unique coaching sequence, usually 4 to 6 one-hour sessions. Contact me to set up a call.

Q: Do you teach grant writing?

A: I don’t. I am happy to recommend the San Antonio Area Foundation, which offers both basic and advanced grant writing workshops.

Q: Do you teach technical writing?

A: In the writing industry, technical writing refers to a very specific style of communication focused on breaking down complex ideas or products, usually in the science, engineering, technology, medicine, or education fields, into objective steps or processes. The most common use is in long-form instruction manuals. While I do teach how to write in a way that’s concise, correct, and informative, I don't teach technical writing.