“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”
- George Adair
The fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of being misunderstood. Fear of judgment and criticism—our own and from others. Fear of unworthiness. Fear of being ignored. Fear of being seen.
Fear creates resistance… that deep, unconscious commitment we all make to staying so much the same.
That resistance can be nearly impossible to break through without a guide.
This is the purpose of Creativity Coaching.
Whether you are:
a dreamer, realizing that the desire to express yourself creatively isn’t going away, no matter how many years pass, and you feel you have to try or you’ll regret it forever…
a life-long learner finally ready to move your creative practice from the edges of your life right into the center…
a mid-career working artist facing an immobile creative block or potentially looking to take your work in a significantly new direction …