Why I’m here for you …
As director of communications for two large visual arts institutions, I made a career out of telling artists’ stories. I loved it, but eventually I left my non-profit position to make more time for a long-cherished creative dream—to be a novelist.
Claiming my own artistic identity was completely different from supporting other artists in theirs. I struggled. A lot. But I found a community, studied my craft, developed a daily practice. Most of all, I overcame my deep resistance to so many aspects of the creative life. Through it all, I kept working with other artists and creatives to clarify and communicate their work.
When the pandemic started, I was given the opportunity, like many of us, to re-evaluate my life. What brought me intense, almost effortless, joy? If my time was limited, where did I want to invest my time and energy? How I could serve others, and make an impact?
Every question led to the same answer – being in supportive conversation with creative souls. Without realizing it, I’d been coaching artists for 15 years. I pursued deep training with CreativeMind, a coaching approach that combines neuroscience, Eastern philosophy, and Jungian psychology, and fused it with my own practice to create something truly my own.