Leigh M. Baldwin
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Coaches, artists, entrepreneurs … ready to start writing?


No matter where you are in your creative business, eventually you get stuck, frustrated, and unable to move forward the way your work wants you to.

So, what’s holding you back? I bet, the deeper you dig, the clearer it becomes. Fear.

Fear creates resistance - the deep, unconscious commitment we all make to staying the same - and resistance can be nearly impossible to break through, unless you have a guide.

I’m a creativity coach, and I help coaches, artists, and entrepreneurs of all kinds deepen and expand their creative life.

Most of the help you’ve probably found has been of the conscious sort – setting goals, affirmations, developing concepts, creating schedules, seeking accountability. I certainly offer all of that to my clients. But there’s a reason that the best laid plans often go awry:

According to cognitive neuroscientists, roughly 95% of our behavior and decisions are controlled by our unconscious mind.

The work you are meant to do already exists, fully formed, in your unconscious mind. So do the barriers and obstacles you must overcome to embrace it.

When you access your unconscious, you break free of resistance and doubt, and discover a treasury of inspiration, imagery, emotion, and power. In our sessions, we’ll tap into those hidden creative forces through dreamwork, visualization, narrative and other techniques, creating a deep connection to a practice that feeds your soul.